Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vision Boards Supply Art

Is it cool if from now on I just write some phrase then add "Supply Art" onto it and call it good as far as a title goes? Like, "Pumpkin Muffin Supply Art", "Sandy Banana Supply Art", "Two Turtle Doves Supply Art", "Wow, That Mailbox Just Jumped Out in Front of Me Supply Art"? Good, I'm glad we see eye to eye on this.

So, by today's title you can tell that I was busy soldering together some new furniture for the life insurance company that I garden for.

Or maybe I spent the morning making a Vision Board, I can't remember. Thank goodness I took pictures!

Ah, yes, this is Nola, helping me. Both of the cats are awesome at helping me, whether I need help showering, eating dinner, washing dishes, sleeping, napping, typing, editing, whatever, they are right there for me. Coconut is keeping my lap warm right this second, just so I could be here to blog for you.

After Nola helped me put my vision board together, she gave it her butt-stamp of approval.

What is a vision board, you ask? It's pretty much a collage of stuff. But in this case it's not just any old stuff, it's what you want your life to look like. It's what you want to draw into your consciousness and make reality. Here's mine:

I bet you're wondering why there aren't any business suits, high heels, or Power Point presentations on there. HA! Not in my new life! Here's a closeup:

Which is still probably really hard to read, but I'll clue you in. That middle phrase is an affirmation I read from the book The Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks. It's not a book about dating, no, it's about attracting what you want in your life. The affirmation goes, "I, Jen, see and draw to me, through Divine Love, those who seek enlightenment through my process. The sharing will elevate both of us, now." For those of you who think that is too out there, sorry, but I believe it! You also see someone petting a kitty, because that's one of the few things I am already spectacular at, there's a beautiful home, a view of the mountains, a gorgeous kitchen, and some flowers, which someone else will be keeping alive for me. Possibly they'll come in the middle of the night to tend to said flowers so I think it's all me.

Okay, here's more, there's some healthy food on there, a healthy chick who is doing some stretching, some words about inner peace, a landscaped space, probably designed and executed by the same person who breaks into my house each night to water my flowers, because Lord knows it's not going to be me doing it, and some happy and in love people.

Look, more! There's the top half of the yummy food, some money, which is being hung out to dry, so I hope that doesn't mean my future is going to involve money laundering, because I generally prefer to keep my crimes down to misdemeanors.

More words, "Your Best Life", "Get Inspired", and "Reach your peak!". Another picture of a nice house. I actually have three pictures of houses on here, I'll take any one of them or all three of them, however it works out. There is a dog on my vision board. I don't know why I put it there other than he was so darn cute I wanted him on there. I do want a dog someday assuming he or she can use the toilet, bathe him or herself, and entertain any future children I have with card tricks.

There are some other things on the board, a chick doing yoga with a cat, a tree with a poem, some pictures of laptops because I want one, another tree picture, some more pictures of strong, beautiful women (my intention is to be one of those women, not, you know, have one move in with me or anything).

My work here is done supply art.

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